The Master Plan for Barcelona Harbour is developed within the Delta Plan framework , and it includes different space field actions. One of the Master Plan actions, was the construction project for the Cruise Ship Dock 3d Phase extension. The purpose of this extension is a new section about 476 m long and 12 m deep from the dock for the port’s container terminals reorganization, as well as for the construction of a cruise ships new terminal.


PROGEO Geotechnical Consultants is hired to adapt the construction processes provided in the Construction Project to the arose needs during the construction phases. These modifications have taken into account preload processes, soil consolidation, as well as work planning.

The geotechnical consulting activities developed by PRO GEO include the following topics:

  • Geotechnical survey analysis and interpretation.
  • Dock main section 2D geomechanical modeling (Plaxis 2D), for the global stability analysis with geometric and construction process changes.
  • Dyke 2D geomechanical modeling (Plaxis 2D), for the global stability analysis with construction process changes.
  • 2D and 3D geomechanical modeling (Plaxis 2D) for technical assistance related to monitoring.
  • RoRo section 2D and 3D geomechanical modeling (Plaxis 2D / 3D)  with construction process changes.